Event organization: Automobile Club of Moldova Event info: On 18th of November, the Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) organised a flash-mob in the square of the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet “Maria Biesu” in Chisinau in order to raise awareness of the frequent tragedies and commemorate victims of road crashes. At the event, as symbols of lost souls, white balloons were launched into the sky and given to passers-by. Candles were lit in their memory, while at intersections and pedestrian crossings silhouettes appeared with poignant messages on behalf of those who had suffered from road traffic crashes. Location: Chisinau, Comrat, Ungheni Stefan cel Mare MD-2012 Moldova Map It Contacts: email: office@acm.md website: http://saferoads.md/index.php?view=index social medias: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MRSMoldova/ More information: http://saferoads.md/index.php?view=news&t=world-day-of-remembrance-for-road-traffic-victims-2018-in-Moldova